Website Maintenance and Evaluation

Is your website underperforming?

Get a Website Evaluation and Tune Up today & find out what’s missing

Your website has to be maintained, evaluated, and assessed regularly otherwise it’ll stop working effectively (and you can wave goodbye to a full appointment diary).

You might think that your company’s website is up to scratch but you’d be surprised what the results of a detailed assessment can show.

With our Website Tune Up and Evaluation, you’ll be able to easily figure out what parts of your website have to be improved to help you become more visible on Google.

Our assessment will give you an overview of your website’s performance in the search results and we’ll be able to show you where you can improve your website and increase traffic to your business.

Want to start improving your online presence today ?

Can a Website Tune Up and Evaluation help you?

Getting your website checked out is always a good idea, especially if you’re not getting as many enquiries as you’d like.

A woman in an apple-green colored blouse with another woman wearing a black blouse sitting at a desk and watching at her laptop

If you’re asking yourself:

Our Website Evaluation and Tune Up is the answer to your problems and will give you peace of mind.

Our 4 step process to assessing your website

Our number one goal here at Bloom Digital is to help our clients understand how they can improve their website and grow their business as a result.

We do this with our simple four-step process



If you’re new to websites and marketing, it might all sound like a completely different language. Nobody knows everything at the start of their journey which is why our team is here to inform you of everything you need to know about SEO, your website, and optimising it for better results.


Website Evaluation

Getting an honest evaluation of how your website measures up on Google will help you understand exactly what you need to focus on to improve your online presence and get more high-quality leads.

Strategy Call

After the evaluation we will be jumping on a strategy call with you. We’ll go through the results step by step and be here to answer any questions you might have. We’ll also be able to offer you further assistance in improving your online presence.


12 Month Action Plan

For the last step of your evaluation, we’ll build you out a roadmap to success detailing ideas on how you can improve your website. We will also include two hours of our time to fix some essential items for you and suggest next steps. 

Why choose Bloom?

Bloom Digital Marketing uses the Four Pillars of SEO Framework to analyse your website and figure out what the best approach for your SEO strategy is.

We’ll show you where your business is today, what needs fixing, and how to fix it to succeed online. We’ll help you stay ahead of your competitors and get you noticed by more high-quality leads.

Four pillars of SEO framework

Four Pillars of SEO version 2

Technical SEO

This includes website speed optimisation, XML sitemaps, and installing and setting up Google Search Console so Google can crawl your site and include it within its index.

On-Site Optimisation

Our team will take a look at how good your on-site SEO is and highlight what needs to be improved with some actionable tasks.

Off-Site SEO

We’ll find ways to improve your off-site SEO including improvements to your Google My Business, backlinks, and citations.


Content is king online. We’ll audit the content already on your website to see if it matches what your audience is really searching for on Google.

Interested in implementing the four pillars of the SEO framework into your company’s website?

Search engine optimisation FAQs

I bet you’re thinking “Not another boring set of frequently asked questions about SEO” that’s full of techie jargon and how we’re the best SEO company in Cheshire.

Well, just like when you work with us, there’s none of that rubbish – we’re here to give you honest, open advice on what’s best for your company.

So let’s start with some SEO questions and answers you’re actually interested in hearing.

Search engines like Google use various technical tactics, usually referred to as spiders or bots, to crawl the web.

When a spider finds a new page, it will add it to an index, rather like an index at the back of a book.

If someone inputs a term into Google’s search bar, Google uses an algorithm, or a set of rules, which includes clever ranking factors, which in turn decide which webpages (as opposed to websites) are pulled from the index and then appear in the search engine results.

The objective of search engines is to provide the best webpage for each search query.

One myth we can dispel is that search engines don’t rank entire websites; they rank individual webpages instead.

The set of rules, or algorithms used by Google are extremely complex, ever-changing and a total secret! They also make SEO an overwhelming prospect.

The best way to approach SEO is to have a holistic SEO strategy so your webpages and therefore your website, help fulfil Google’s mission today, tomorrow and beyond.

No! Paid-For Google Ads (otherwise known as Pay Per Click or PPC) appear at the top of a search results page and do so because of the significant wads of cash spent to get them there.

The short answer is no.

We don’t believe in mystifying the products to the point where you don’t really understand what’s going on! What would be the point of that?

To ensure that everything is clear, we go through an overview with you at our kick-off meeting and we stick to plain, understand and measurable language, so you know what’s going on.

No, we’ve got all this covered and we also provide reporting so you can see the impact and progress.

Strategy calls are built-in to each project so you always know what’s happening and you can clearly see the results.

With Google, there are no guarantees to the top spot on the search results, however we have successfully achieved the number one spot for many of our clients for relevant keywords in their industry. 

All of our websites come with technical SEO and on-site SEO (search engine optimisation) already implemented when they launch. Our ongoing SEO services work to improve your rankings long-term and for a wider range of keywords. Check out our programmes here. 

If you still feel unsure as to how this can benefit your business, and you’re not sure of the deliverables, feel free to book a no-obligation call. 

Some of our most successful clients have been exactly where you are now.